The reason it is important to set goals, is because it helps to create a plan to accomplish something that may be difficult. Whether setting goals for personal or business reasons, when the framework is properly developed into a strategy it allows smaller pieces to be accomplished within reasonable time frames and to build into a long range plan for bigger goals.
I am taking on a personal goal of completing a triathlon again this year, in the years past it was something I did on a regular basis and not as challenging. However it is a big goal this year and has become a bigger challenge as I try to maintain my fitness in balancing other things in life such as running and building a newer small business. I have created a personal plan to complete the Philly Women's Tri again this year, an event that I finished last year and was so amazing.
I have learned over the years, to set my goals within reason so that I can follow through. In planning I have spent the last few months/weeks breaking my training down into different phases, therefore managing each one separately so I have the time to make sure I am able to do this and still balance other aspects in life. I started by running a race in early May, the conditions were tough with torrential rain down pouring throughout the race. I feel it helped me to be prepared in case conditions were not ideal in my triathlon. I finished that race in a decent time and with several layers of clothing full of water. The bike phase is my favorite; it is the second part of a competition, which I feel most confident about and am able to regain my stamina. I train all year for the bike indoor spinning and then doing road training once the weather improves. The hard part of my training and planning is the swim, there are several reasons the swim has become more challenging for me personally. I train for the swim portion in the warmer weather when I can swim outside to reduce my risk of getting sick in the winter months. I have also had challenges in previous competitions in open water swims, as other athletes near me in those events had panic attacks and were fearful they were drowning. On two occasions, I have completed this portion of the competition with those swimmers talking and swimming with them slowing my swim timing in this phase finishing together.
I love competing in these events because I am able to meet new people and gain encouragement from others I would never typically get the chance to encounter. The competitions are full of excitement and everyone cheers each other on. I am looking forward to taking part in this event in one week and to fulfill my goal of doing my best to finish within a reasonable time. I know without preparing by my training plan, I would not be able to accomplish this goal and compete in the Philly Women's Triathlon this year.